Hallam, S & Creech, A. (in press) Promoting well-being in older citizens through musical engagement: Implications for teaching. In J. Bugos (ed) Contemporary research in music learning across the lifespan. New York: Routledge.
Hallam, S. (2016) An exploration of the relationships between practice, motivation and examination outcomes. In G Boal Palheiros (ed) International perspectives on research in music education: Proceedings of the 26th International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Research. London 18-22nd July 2016.
Hallam, S., Creech, A. & Varvarigou, M. (in press) Well-being and music leisure activity through the lifespan: A psychological perspective. In R. Mantie & G.D. Smith (eds) Oxford Handbook of Music Making and Leisure. Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 31-60)
Creech, A. and Hallam, S. (in press): 'Facilitating learning in small groups: Interpersonal dynamics and task dimensions'. In Musicians in the Making: Pathways to Creative Practice, Rink, J., Gaunt, H. and Wiliamon, A. (eds), Oxford University Press. Series – Performance Studies in Musical Performance as Creative Practice’
Hallam, S., Thaut, M., and Cross, I. (2016) Where now? In S. Hallam, I. Cross, I. & M Thaut (eds) (in press) Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology, 2nd edition Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 905-914).
Hallam, S. (2016) Motivation to learn. In S. Hallam, I. Cross & M Thaut (eds) Handbook of Psychology of Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2nd edition (pp. 479- 492).
McPherson, G. & Hallam, S. (2016) Musical potential. In S. Hallam, I. Cross & M Thaut (eds) Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology, 2nd edition Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 433-449)
Jorgensen, H. & Hallam, S. (2016) Practising In S. Hallam, I. Cross, I. & M Thaut (eds) Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology 2nd edition Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp 449-462).
Gaunt, H. & Hallam, S. (2016) Individuality in the learning of musical skills. In S. Hallam, I. Cross, I. & M Thaut (eds) (2016) Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology 2nd edition Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 463-478).
Hallam, S. & MacDonald, R. (2016) The effects of music in educational and care settings. In S. Hallam, I. Cross, I. & M Thaut (eds) Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology 2nd edition Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 775-788)
Hallam, S. (2016) Musical identity, learning and teaching. In MacDonald, R., Miell, D. & Hargreaves, D. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Musical Identities. Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp 475-492).
Hallam, S. (2016) Musicality in G. McPherson (Ed) The child as musician: A handbook of musical development. 2nd edition Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp 69-80).
Varvarigou, M., Hallam, S., Creech, A. & McQueen, H. (2015) Intergenerational music-making: a vehicle for active ageing for children and older people In S, Clift & P. Camic Oxford Textbook of Arts, Health, and Well-being: International perspectives on practice, policy, and research. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Hallam, S. (2014) Achievement, musical In W.F Thompson (ed) Music in the social and behavioural sciences: Volume 1. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA (pp 10-15)
Hallam, S. (2014) Automaticity In W.F. Thompson (ed) Music in the social and behavioural sciences: ~Volume 1. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA (pp 117-118)
Hallam, S. (2014) Feedback In W.F. Thompson (ed) Music in the social and behavioural sciences: Volume 1. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA (pp 461-465).
Arber, S., Bowling, A., Creech, A., Duncanm M., Goulding, A. Gyi, D. Hallam, S., Haslam, C., Kazi, A., Lloyd, L., Lord, J., MAP2030 team, Murphy, M., Newman, A., Phillips, A., Twumasi, R & Upton, J. (2014) (2014) Maintaining health and wellbeing: Overcoming barriers to healthy aging. In A. Walker (Ed.), The new science of ageing. Bristol: Policy Press (pp113-155).
Hallam, S. (2013) Levels of expertise and musical aspirations in young instrumental players In M Stakelum (ed) Developing the Musician. Ashgate. Hallam, S. (2012) Commentary In G. McPherson & G. Welch (Eds) Oxford Handbook of Music Education, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Hallam, S. and Bautista, A. (2012) Processes of Instrumental Learning: the development of musical expertise In G. McPherson & G. Welch (Eds) Oxford Handbook of Music Education, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Hallam, S. (2015) Developing and maintaining motivation in advanced music performance, In I Papageorgi and G. Welch (Eds) Advanced musical performance : Investigations in higher education learning. London: Ashgate. (pp 343-348)
Hallam, S. (2012) Music Education. In E. King & H. Daynes (eds) Music and Familiarity: Listening, Musicology and Performance, London: Ashgate (pp 197- 214)
Hallam, S. (2012) The effects of background music on health and well-being In R. McDonald, G. Kreutz & L. Mitchell. (Eds) Music, health and wellbeing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hallam, S (2011) Cultural perceptions of musicality and musical expertise. In M. Barrett (ed) A Cultural Psychology for Music Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hallam, S. (2010) The power of music In S. Hallam & A Creech (Eds) Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom: Achievements, analysis and aspirations. Institute of Education, University of London
Hallam, S. & Rogers, L. (2010) Music Services In S. Hallam & A Creech (Eds) Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom: Achievements, analysis and aspirations. Institute of Education, University of London
Hallam, S. & Creech, A. (2010) The role of music leaders In S. Hallam & A Creech (Eds) Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom: Achievements, analysis and aspirations. Institute of Education, University of London
Hallam, S. & Creech, A. (2010) Where now? In S. Hallam & A Creech (Eds) Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom: Achievements, analysis and aspirations. Institute of Education, University of London
Creech, A, & Hallam S. (2010) Playing an instrument In S. Hallam & A Creech (Eds) Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom: Achievements, analysis and aspirations. Institute of Education, University of London
Papageorgi, I & Hallam S. (2010) Issues of performance and assessment In S. Hallam & A Creech (Eds) Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom: Achievements, analysis and aspirations. Institute of Education, University of London
McQueen, H., & Hallam S. (2010) Music in the Secondary School In S. Hallam & A Creech (Eds) Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom: Achievements, analysis and aspirations. Institute of Education, University of London
Hallam S. (2010) Listening In S. Hallam & A Creech (Eds) Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom: Achievements, analysis and aspirations. Institute of Education, University of London
Hallam S. & Rogers, L. (2010) Creativity In S. Hallam & A Creech (Eds) Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom: Achievements, analysis and aspirations. Institute of Education, University of London
Adams, P., McQueen, H. & Hallam, S. (2010) The current context of music education in the UK In S. Hallam & A Creech (Eds) Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom: Achievements, analysis and aspirations. Institute of Education, University of London
Hallam, S (2010) Music Education. In P.Juslin and J. Sloboda (eds) Handbook of Music and Emotion: theory, research, applications. Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 791-818)
Hallam, S. (2010) Music Learning. In E.Baker, P. Peterson, & B. McGaw (eds) The International Encyclopaedia of Education, volume 5, 407-412. Oxford: Elsevier.
Hallam, S. (2009) Motivation to Learn. In J. Welbel (ed) Psychology of Music Learning and Practising (In Polish). Pp. 157-194. Warsaw: Chopin Academy of Music
Hallam, S. (2009) Teaching for Effective Learning in Music. In J. Welbel (ed) Psychology of Music Learning and Practising. (In polish). Pp. 11-50. Warsaw: Chopin Academy of Music
Hallam, S. (2009) Parents’ perspectives on homework: United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and Japan. In R. Deslandes (Ed) International Perspectives on Student Outcomes and Homework: Family-School-Community Partnerships, London: Routledge. (pp 47-60)
Hallam, S., Thaut, M., and Cross, I. (2009) Where now? In S. Hallam, I. Cross, I. & M Thaut (eds) (in press) Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 561-568).
Hallam, S. (2009) Motivation to learn. In S. Hallam, I. Cross & M Thaut (eds) Handbook of Psychology of Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 285- 294).
McPherson, G. & Hallam, S. (2009) Musical potential. In S. Hallam, I. Cross & M Thaut (eds) Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 255-264)
Jorgensen, H. & Hallam, S. (2009) Practising In S. Hallam, I. Cross, I. & M Thaut (eds) Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp 265-273).
Gaunt, H. & Hallam, S. (2009) Individuality in the learning of musical skills. In S. Hallam, I. Cross, I. & M Thaut (eds) (in press) Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 274-284).
Hallam, S. & MacDonald, R. (2009) The effects of music in educational and care settings. In S. Hallam, I. Cross, I. & M Thaut (eds) Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 471-480)
Blatchford, P., Hallam, S. Ireson, J., Kutnik, P. & Creech A (2008) School level structure and transition: Theme 9 School level structures, pupil grouping and transitions. In R. Alexander (ed), Primary Review: Research surveys.
Hallam, S. (2007) Alan Roach. In Inspiring Minds: Ten Case studies of teaching award headteachers. London: The Teaching Awards and National College for School Leadership.
Hallam, S., Rogers, L., & Creech, A. (2006) Gender differences in musical instrument choice. In H. Price (Ed) Research Commission Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Research in Music Education, 9th-14th July 2006, Ramada Resort, Benoa-Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia.
Hallam, S. (2006) Musicality. In G. McPherson (Ed) The child as musician: A handbook of musical development. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (pp 93-110)
Schellenberg, E.G. & Hallam, S. (2006) Music listening and cognitive abilities in 10 and 11 year-olds: The Blur effect. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1060, 202-209.
Goodwin, T & Hallam, S. (2006) Adult Learning: The role of emotional intelligence. In P. Sutherland and J. Crowther (eds) Lifelong Learning: Concepts and Contexts. London: Routledge/Falmer. (pp 117-126)
Kotsopoulou, A. & Hallam, S. (2004) Cross cultural differences in listening to music while studying. In S.D. Lipscomb, R. Ashley, R.O. Gjerdingen & P. Webster. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, August 3-7th 2004. Northwestern University, Evanston, USA (pp 397-400)
Hallam, S. (2004) How important is practicing as a predictor of learning outcomes in instrumental music? in S.D. Lipscomb, R. Ashley, R.O. Gjerdingen & P. Webster. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, August 3-7th 2004. Northwestern University, Evanston, USA (pp 165-168)
Hallam, S. (2004) Gender differences in the factors which predict musical attainment in school aged students, in J.Tafuri (Ed) Research for Music Education, Proceedings of the 20th Seminar of the ISME Research Commission, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, July 4-11th 2004 (pp101-107).
Crowley, C., Hallam, S. & Harre, R. Lunt, I. (2003) Peer Support for Young People with Same-sex Attraction In M. Nind, K. Sheehy and K. Simmons (eds) Inclusive Education: Learners and Learning, London: David Fulton Publishers/Open University Press (pp 173-188)
Hallam, S. & Rhamie, J. (2003) The Influence of Home, School and Community on African-Caribbean Success in the UK. In D. McCalla (Ed) Black Success in the UK: Essays in Racial Studies. DMEE: Vision Learning Press. (pp.101-124).
Hallam, S. (2003) Supporting Students in Learning to Perform. In I. M. Hanken, S. G. Nielsen & M. Nerland (Eds) Research in and for Higher Music Education. Festschrift for Harald Jorgensen. NMH-publikasjoner 2002:2, Oslo, Norway: Norges musikkhgskole. (Norwegian Academy of Music) (pp. 23-44).
Barry, N. & Hallam, S. (2002) Practising in Parncutt, R. & G. McPherson (eds) Science and Psychology of Music Performance Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp 151-166).
Guettler, K. & Hallam, S. (2002) Stringed Instruments in Parncutt, R. & G. McPherson (eds) Science and Psychology of Music Performance Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. 303-318).
Hallam, S. & Shaw, J. (2002) Constructions of musical ability: In Folkestad, G (ed) A World of Music Education Research: Proceedings of the 19th ISME Research Seminar, Goteborg, Sweden, August 3-9th 2002. Goteberg: School of Music and Music Education, Goteborg University, Sweden. (pp 103-110).
Ireson, J., Mortimore, P. & Hallam, S. (2002) What do we know about effective pedagogy? in B. Moon, A. Shelton Mayes & S. Hutchinson (eds) Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum in Secondary Schools: A reader London: Open University/ Routledge Falmer (pp 64-69).
Hallam, S. (2001) Learning in Music in C. Philpott & C. Plummeridge (eds) Issues in the Teaching of Music London: Routledge (pp 61-75)
Hallam, S. (2000) The Development of Performance Planning Strategies in Musicians in C. Woods, G. Luck, R. Brochard, F. Seddon & J.A. Sloboda (Eds) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition. Keele: Keele University Dept of Psychology.
Hallam, S. (2000) Understanding Musical Motivation in W. Jankowski (ed) Czlowiek –muzyka – psychologia (Music - Psychology: A tribute to Professor Maria Manturewska). Warsaw: Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music. (pp. 359-358)
Ireson, J. & Hallam, S. (2000) Raising Standards: Is Ability Grouping the Answer? In J. Collins & D. Cook (eds) Understanding Learning: Influences and Outcomes. London: Sage Publications (pp 122-133).
Hallam, S. & Ireson, J. (1999) Pedagogy in the Secondary School in P. Mortimore (ed) Pedagogy and its Impact on Learning London: Sage (pp 68-97)
Barnett, R. & Hallam, S. (1999) Teaching for Supercomplexity: a Pedagogy for Higher Education in P. Mortimore (ed) Pedagogy and its Impact on Learning London: Sage (pp 137-154)
Ireson, J., Mortimore, P. & Hallam, S. (1999) The Common Strands of Pedagogy and their Implications in P. Mortimore (ed) Pedagogy and its Impact on Learning London: Sage (pp 212-232)
Hallam, S. (1999) Was wissen wir uber Ubungen? Angesichts eines Models, das die Forschungsliteratur synthetisiert/darstellt in H. Gembris, R.D. Kramer, & G. Maas Uben in musicalischer Praxis und Forschung, Forum Musikpadagogik Band 35. Augsburg: Wisner. (translated from What do we know about practising? Towards a model synthesising the research literature). (pp 13-78).
Hallam, S. (1997) What do we Know about Practising? Towards a Model Synthesising the Research Literature in Jorgensen, H., & Lehman, A. (Eds) Does practice make perfect? Current theory and research on instrumental music practice. NMH publikasjoner 1997:1, Oslo, Norway: Norges musikkh gskole (pp 89 108).
Hallam, S. (1997) Approaches to Instrumental Music Practice of Experts and Novices: Implications for Education in Jorgensen, H., & Lehman, A. (Eds) Does practice make perfect? Current theory and research on instrumental music practice. NMH publikasjoner 1997:1, Oslo, Norway: Norges musikkh gskole. (pp 179 231).
Hallam, S., MacMahon, L., & Ward, A. (1997) Processes of Reflective Teaching in Kemp, A. (Ed) Principles and processes of private music teaching. Module 4. Reading: International Centre for Research in Music Education, University of Reading (pp1 21).
Crowley, C. & Hallam, S. (1995) Living with HIV and AIDS Concerns of Partners and Family Members in D. Friedrich & W. Heckmann (eds) Aids in Europe The behavioural aspect, Volume 5: Cure and care, 247 255. Berlin: Ed. Sigma. (pp 247 255).
Hallam, S. (1995) Practising in Kemp, A. (ed) Principles and processes of private music teaching. Module 2, Unit 2E. Reading: International Centre for Research in Music Education, University of Reading (pp 1 37).
Hallam, S. & Stainthorp, R. (1995) Learning Processes in Kemp, A. (ed) Principles and processes of private music teaching. Module 2, Unit 2B. Reading: International Centre for Research in Music Education, University of Reading (pp 1 39)
Hallam, S. (1994) The Nature of Musical Performance in Kemp, A. (ed) Principles and processes of music teaching. Module 1, Unit 1H, Reading: International Centre for Music Education, University of Reading (pp 1 29).