Hallam, S., Cross, I. & Thaut, M. (eds) (2016) Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology (2nd edition) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hallam, S. (2014) The power of music: A research synthesis of the impact of actively making music on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young people. London: iMERC
Creech, A., Hallam, S., McQueen, H., & Varvarigou, M. (2014). Active ageing with music: Supporting well being in the Third and Fourth Ages. London: IOE Press.
Hallam, S. & Gaunt, H. (2012) Preparing for success: a practical guide for young musicians. London: Institute of Education Press.
Hallam, S. & Creech, A. (Eds) (2010) Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom: Achievements, analysis and aspirations. Institute of Education, University of London
Hallam, S., Cross, I. & Thaut, M. (eds) (2008) Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hallam, S & Rogers, L. (2008) Improving behaviour and attendance at school. Milton Keynes: Open University Press
Hallam, S. (2006) Music Psychology in Education. Institute of Education, University of London (also translated into Korean)
Hallam, S. (2004) Homework: the Evidence. London: Institute of Education, University of London
Hallam, S. (2002) Ability Grouping in Schools: a Literature Review, Institute of Education, University of London
Hallam, S., Ireson, J., & Davies, J. (2002) Effective Pupil Grouping in the Primary School – a Practical Guide. London: Fulton
Ireson, J. & Hallam, S. (2001) Ability Grouping in Education. London: Sage Publications (now translated into Japanese)
Blatchford, P., Crowley, C., Hallam, S., & Reynolds, Y. (1999) Psychology of Education II: Individual and Social Psychology Subject Guide (2nd revised edition). London: University of London.
Hallam, S. (1998) Instrumental Teaching: A Practical Guide to Better Teaching and Learning. Oxford: Heinemann (reprinted 2002)
Hallam, S. (1996) Improving School Attendance. London: Heinemann
Hallam, S. & Roaf, C. (1995) Here Today, Here Tomorrow: Helping Schools to Promote Attendance. London: Gulbenkian Foundation .
Hallam, S., Blatchford, P., & May, D. (Eds) (1993) Psychology of Education II: Individual and Social Psychology Subject Guide. London: University of London.